Below you will find a reference of filters available in the Total theme. Filters can be used to modify default theme options, values or output (learn more). You can use the search above to try and locate specific filters. This reference is intended to help you quickly locate a filter name. Once you locate a filter that you think may be useful you can then search the theme files for the filter to see how it’s being used to assist you in your custom code.
Important: This is a manually created list so there may be filters available not yet listed.
Filter by:
Name | Return | Usage |
wpex_custom_breadcrumbs | var | Used to return a custom breadcrumbs output or shortcode. |
wpex_custom_social_share | string | Used to return a custom social share shortcode or HTML. |
wpex_custom_widgets | array | Array of custom widgets added by the theme. Should be used only to remove widgets you don't want. |
wpex_customizer_panels | array | Array of panels added to the Customizer. |
wpex_customizer_sections | array | Returns an array of all the Customizer sections. |
wpex_dashboard_thumbnails | bool | Used to enable/disable the thumbnail display in the WP dashboard. |
wpex_dashicons_array | array | Returns an array of Dashicons for use with settings where you can select a dashboard icon such as the Portfolio, Staff and Testimonials settings screen. |
wpex_edit_visual_composer | bool | Check to see if the Total theme should make edits to the WPBakery plugin. Default is true. |
wpex_excerpt_args | array | Filters default arguments for the wpex_get_excerpt function |
wpex_font_weights | array | Returns an array of font weight choices for use with various theme shortcodes. |
wpex_footer_builder_page_id | intval | Used to alter the footer builder page ID to conditionally display various footers using the "footer builder" function |
wpex_gallery_metabox_post_types | array | Array of post types that should have the "Gallery Metabox" in the admin. |
wpex_get_accent_colors | array | Returns array of accent color choices. |
wpex_get_form_styles | array | Returns array of theme form styles which is used in the Form Shortcode element. |
wpex_get_header_drop_widget_class | array | Returns an array of classnames to be added to header menu dropdown "widgets" such as the dropdown search and WooCommerce cart dropdown elements. |
wpex_get_header_menu_dropdown_styles | array | Returns array of header menu dropdown style choices. |
wpex_get_header_styles_with_sticky_support | array | Returns array of header styles that support the sticky header functionality. |
wpex_get_mobile_menu_styles | array | Returns array of mobile menu style choices ( sidr, toggle, full_screen or disabled). |
wpex_get_page_header_overlay_pattern | string | Returns the pattern style to be used for the page header overlay when set to the "Background Image" style (dotted or dashed). Default is "none". |
wpex_get_portfolio_entry_thumbnail_args | bool | Used to alter the portfolio entry thumbnail arguments. |
wpex_get_portfolio_post_thumbnail_args | array | Used to alter the portfolio post thumbnail arguments. |
wpex_get_post_layouts | array | Returns array of post layout options (right-sidebar, left-sidebar, full-width, full-screen) used for the Customizer and Theme Settings meta options. |
wpex_get_schema_markup | string | Returns correct schema markup for specific theme locations. |
wpex_get_sidebar_template | string | Returns correct template file name for your sidebar-NAME.php file |
wpex_get_site_layouts | array | Returns the array of site layout choices. |
wpex_get_staff_post_thumbnail_args | array | Used to alter the staff post thumbnail arguments. |
wpex_get_theme_heading_styles | array | Returns array of theme heading styles. |
wpex_get_tribe_event_date | var | Used to alter the default tribe events date for Total Visual Composer modules that display it. |
wpex_get_user_social_profile_settings_array | array | Returns array for user profile links. Used for author boxes. |
wpex_google_font_enqueue_italics | bool | Returns true/false if you want to load italic versions of the Google fonts on your site. |