Name | Return | Usage |
vcex_toggle_close_icon_svg | string | Returns the toggle element close SVG icon. |
vcex_toggle_open_icon_svg | string | Returns the toggle element open SVG icon. |
totalthemecore/vcex/post_query/args | array | Returns an array of arguments for any Element WP_Query. Used primarily for the Post Cards element. |
vcex_ajax_use_session_storage | bool | Check if the theme's AJAX functions should store results in the browser's Local Storage. |
vcex_navbar_get_terms_args | array | Returns the array of arguments for the Navigation Bar element (vcex_navbar shortcode) to pass to get_terms() when displaying a taxonomy term based menu. |
vcex_carousel_default_settings | array | Returns an array of default settings for theme carousels (OwlCarousel). |
vcex_optimize_carousels_onload | bool | Check if the theme should optimize carousel display on load. If true, the theme will display carousels as grid elements until the site has loaded to prevent LCP issues. |
wpex_vc_waypoints_settings | bool | Returns an array of settings to pass on to the vc_waypoints javascript function which is used for the CSS animation settings. |
vcex_query_args | array | Returns the array of arguments to pass on to WP_Query for any theme element (Post Cards, Post Types Grid, etc). |
vcex_feature_box_default_breakpoint | string | Returns the default breakpoint (sm,md,lg,xl) for the feature box stacking. |