WPBakery Page Builder
The Total theme has a unique built-in functionality called “Dynamic Templates”. This functionality allows you to use the WPBakery page builder to create a unique layout to be used for any post type or archive type and assign it globally. This means, you can create a custom design for your posts, pages, categories, search results,…
This theme includes support for the Visual Composer plugin plus an additional plugin called “Visual Composer Extension” created specifically for our clients. The Visual Composer plugin and extension add a ton of drag and drop modules to your dashboard for quickly and easily building your site. Make Sure WPBakery Page Builder Plugin Is Installed &…
Important: It is NOT required for you to purchase the plugin separately, it is included for free and I will update it accordingly as well. However, if you already owned a license or prefer to purchase it as well then you can follow the steps below to enter your purchase code. That said, the WPBakery…
Important: WPBakery modified the User Roles functionality so you can’t disable elements for Administrators. For this reason we released the “Disable Elements for WPBakery Page Builder” plugin which allows you to completely disable elements from the site regardless of user role. The WPBakery page builder plugin includes a built-in function to easily enable or disable…
By default the Total theme has removed several WPBakery Elements we didn’t like or found a bit buggy. However, we’ve included a filter in the theme so you can easily re-add them if you must. Below is an example code you can add to your child theme’s functions.php file showing how to re-add a couple…
By default the Total theme adds a 40px margin below all columns in the WPBakery Page Builder, this allows for a better responsive site but it’s also very important to consider it when building your site so you can create perfect spacing between your elements. This margin can be altered though via the Customizer under…
The Total theme includes many exclusive elements that extend the WPBakery page builder so you can add a lot more functions to your site. All these elements have “blue” icons and are tagged under the “Total” filter. How to Modify a Total Element via a Child Theme It’s not recommended to modify elements via a…
Total includes a custom function for the Visual Composer (not included in the core plugin) that will allow you to specify the spacing between columns making it easier for you to create the best layout possible and not be stuck with the default 30px margin between columns. Simply click to edit your row and you…
In version 3.0.0 of Total there was a crucial update to the Seperator With Text module, please see the important warning on the changelog – http://totalwptheme.com/docs/changelog/ – if you used this module in a lot of places and don’t have the time to update them all we created a little plugin that re-ads the old…
The WPBakery page builder does include a function named “Grid Builder” which allows you to create custom layouts for the WPBakery code Grid elements. Important: Before you go on creating custom grids (which is actually a fairly bloated functionality) consider first making use of the Total “Post Cards” element which allows you to select from…
The WPBakery is an awesome plugin but it does have a little “flaw” (not really a flaw but more of a nuisance). The WPBakery uses negative margins for it’s rows and columns to keep everything inline with the content, that’s good! However, when adding borders and backgrounds to your rows and columns this causes the…
By default when adding columns with the Visual Composer page builder the space between the columns is 30 pixels, however, this padding can be adjusted on a per-row basis easily via the a setting. See the screenshot below: And of course it is possible to add more spacing options via a child theme (filter + CSS) if…
The WPBakery page builder plugin plugin includes built-in functions so that you can easily “map” any shortcode so you can use it within the builder. For example if you are using a 3rd party plugin that has it’s own custom shortcodes you can use the “Shortcode Mapper” admin screen to include that shortcode as an…
In version 4.6 the Visual Composer plugin developers created new modules for tabs, tours, accordions and they “deprecated” the old ones. What does that mean? Basically just that they wanted to make new modules that did the same thing but with more options and they didn’t want to confuse customers by calling them “Tab 1”…