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The Total theme includes a built-in Contact form element you can use to easily insert a contact form on your site and it even has support for reCaptcha and privacy policy acceptance. This way if you just need a simple contact form on your site you don’t need to use a 3rd party plugin. Contact…

Adding Contact Forms

Total includes a powerful grid system you can use for pretty much anything, this includes creating Contact Forms with multiple columns. Understanding The Total Grid The grid is very simple, it consists of a main wrapper that uses the “wpex-row” class with a negative left and right margin and inner columns that have left and right…

How to Display Contact Form 7 Fields Side-by-Side (columns)

By default input fields are a light gray (can be changed in the customizer) but sometimes you may want to add a contact or newsletter form inside a Visual Composer module with a dark background and you want your fields to be white. Well, Total has a built-in class you can use for this. Simply apply…

White Forms (White input fields)

Locating your form action url is pretty simple. You can follow the steps below and if you run into any issues let us know or submit a help request to mailchimp and they’ll help you get the correct URL to use. Not using Mailchimp? Don’t worry you should be able to find your form action…

How To Locate Mailchimp Newsletter Form Action URL

AWeber is a great newsletter service which we highly recommend and it’s very easy to integrate with the theme’s Newsletter Form element. Here is a link to the AWeber documentation (just incase things change and the instructions below are outdated). Step 1: Add The Form Action URL AWeber uses a global URL for the form…

How to use AWeber with the Newsletter Form

The Total theme includes a built-in element which can be used for showing a simple contact form and by default when a new form is submitted the form is sent to the website’s administrator’s email address. If you want to change where the contact form emails go you can do so via the Theme Panel.…

How to Change the Contact Form Recipient (to) Address
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