The Total theme includes a built-in custom post type for the portfolio making it easier then ever to create your portfolio and add your portfolio items. If you know how to use standard posts you can also create a portfolio! Have a look below for further instructions. Setup Your Portfolio Item’s Layout By default portfolio items…
By default your portfolio posts will only display whatever you enter in the content. This is so you have full control with the Visual Composer page builder if you want to build custom layouts for every Portfolio item. However, if you want to automatically display your featured image, video or gallery on your Portfolio posts…
New Dynamic Templates: You can now create a custom layout for your Portfolio Posts using the WPBakery template via a “Dynamic Template” learn more → By default the portfolio post only displays the content added in the WBakery however you can actually display your media automatically, display a title in the content, comments…etc via the…
The Total theme allows you to define “featured” videos for your portfolio items much like you would define a featured image. These videos are saved in the database associated with the post so they can be displayed on the front-end. By default if you assign a video to your portfolio item it will display on…
Once you have added your portfolio items you can easily display them on any page via the Portfolio Grid or Post Types Grid page builder module. Both modules support a “filter” function which will display categories at the top of the grid that the user can click on the front-end to sort the items. Portfolio…