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Page Header (title)

In Total you can quickly and easily disable the page title either on a per-page/per-post basis or using a custom filter in a child theme to disable it using conditional…

Disabling The Page Header Title

With the Total theme you can easily set the page header title area to display with a large background image either globally or on a per-page basis. Result Below is…

Page Header Title Backgrounds

Total uses an advanced function located at framework/page-header.php to output the title in the main page header for every post, page and archive. But don't go editing this function if…

Altering The Page Title

The page header title area of the theme has a section called "subheading" which by default doesn't show anything but if you are currently viewing a category page it will…

Adding & Altering the Title “Subheading”

With the Total WordPress Theme you can easily alter your main page header/title design via the WordPress Customizer. Simply log into WordPress and go to Appearance > Customize > General…

Altering The Page Header (Title) Design
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