Total includes many built-in options to easily tweak your design, plus all changes you make to colors and fonts are cached in a single theme mod for use by the theme thus speeding up the site (unlike other themes that loop through all options on init). To customize any area of your theme simply go to your…
The Total theme includes built-in settings for altering the default button colors used in the theme either globally or on a per-button basis. Global Button Color & Border Radius To change your button color site-wide simply log into WordPress and go to Appearance > Customize > General Theme Options > Links & Buttons to make…
In the Total theme there are borders used for headings, sidebars, between blog posts, comments…etc. You can use CSS to alter the border colors but you can also use a Customizer setting to alter the borders across the whole site! Simply go to Appearance > Customize > General Theme Options > Accent Colors to change…
The Total Theme includes a Color Palette functionality to make it easier to define a set color scheme so you can easily control your site colors globally. To define your color palette, simply go to Theme Panel > Color Palette which will look something like this: Click on the “Add Color” button on the top…
The Total theme includes a CSS Framework with utility classes that you can use throughout your site and custom code, this makes it super easy to do things such as apply the accent color to row. To do this, simply edit your row and add the classname “wpex-bg-accent” to the Extra class name field like…
This theme includes a few Ajax functions such as the Ajax Filter, load more button and infinite scroll pagination. By default when loading new items the theme displays the default WordPress loading icon but this can be easily changed via the Customizer where you can choose from different styles as well as customize the size…