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By default the Total theme does not crop any of your featured images. Some themes include built-in sizes, the problem is this causes your site to start cropping and saving…

Define Your Image Sizes

The way the retina works in the Total theme is that any theme function (featured images, Image element, Image Grid, Post Cards, etc) will automatically generate a @2x version of…

How Retina Images Are Generated

In the Total theme Image sliders have a 100% width added to the images for design reasons. For example if you have a small image in a slider that isn’t stretched…

Prevent the Image Slider from Stretching Your Images

Adding local scroll links to images is very simple and this guide will show you how, but first you will need to know how to add local scroll links to…

Add a Local Scroll Link To An Image

If images aren't being cropped when you have ssl enabled it's because of security checks the theme makes. Everything should work 100% with SSL as long as things are setup…

Image Cropping Not Working with SSL

If you are getting an error similar to the one below, please follow the steps to help fix the issue: Example Error getimagesize('PATH HERE'): failed to open stream: No such…

Troubleshooting getimagesize PHP Warning

In the Total theme by default images inserted to the post do not open with lightbox because it could create lots of conflicts with 3rd party plugins, however, we did…

How to Enable Auto Lightbox for Post Images

If your lightbox images aren't looking quite right most likely it's because they are very large and are bigger then the browser's viewport. Simply go to Theme Panel > Image…

Lightbox Images Not Centered and Too Big

You can easily define the retina version for any image inline via the data-at2x data attribute. See the example below: <img src="image-url" data-at2x="retina-image-url">

Adding In-Line Retina Support For Images

The Total theme has a built-in image resizing function that crops images only as needed instead of the core WordPress post thumbnail function which crops images to every defined size…

Post Thumbnail Helper Functions

In version 4.5.0 of Total we introduced a new function named "Thumbnail Post Format Icons" which you can enable under the main "Theme Panel" (disabled by default). This will display…

Featured Image (Thumbnail) Format Icons

The Total theme includes a "Secondary Image" option which allows you to define a secondary image for your page apart from the "Featured Image". By itself the field doesn't really…

What is the Secondary Image/Thumbnail?

In Total 5.11 we added the ability to control the Image element "Mix Blend Mode" CSS property which can be used for all sorts of cool image displays but one…

How to Add a Color Overlay to the Image Element
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