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Total includes a built-in option to minify the theme's javascript files to help speed up your site. This is actually enabled by default but can…

Minify Theme’s Javascript

The Total WordPress theme is already well optimized for speed, but of course there are always more you can do. Below are some basic tips…

Speeding Up Your WordPress Site

The WordPress customizer is awesome but it can also be a bit slow when  you have tons of options. For this reason I added a…

Enable/Disable Customizer Sections

Important: This is disabled by default in the latest version of the theme! jQuery Easing is a script that can be used for “smoother” local…

Disable/Enable jQuery Easing for Local Scrolling Links

By default the Total theme icons load as a custom font family. The theme uses a font-family by default because it provides better consistency with…

Use SVGs instead of the Theme Icons Font
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