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In Total you can assign a video to an image attachment so you can easily display a video inside certain Total Visual Composer modules such as…

Assigning Videos To Images

By default Total has a custom output for the WordPress gallery which adds lightbox to the images and allows for custom cropping. However, this function…

Disable Custom Output for the WP Gallery

By default your portfolio posts will only display whatever you enter in the content. This is so you have full control with the Visual Composer…

Automatically Display Portfolio Media

The Total theme includes support for the "Gallery" format which when selected will display an image slider on your blog posts instead of the default…

Post Featured Image Gallery Slider

The Total theme includes an "Image Gallery" function that allows you to assign images to any post. By default these images are used in the…

Using The Post Image Gallery For Image Galleries & Dynamic Templates

The Total WordPress theme has some great page builder elements for displaying images on your site such as the image slider, image carousel and image…

Managing Many Images with the Real Media Library Plugin

Horizontal scrolling areas have become quite popular because they allow you to display more content without increasing the vertical height of your page but without…

Horizontal Image Gallery with Scrollbar
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