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Below you will find a reference of filters available in the Total theme. Filters can be used to modify default theme options, values or output (learn more). You can use the search above to try and locate specific filters. This reference is intended to help you quickly locate a filter name. Once you locate a filter that you think may be useful you can then search the theme files for the filter to see how it’s being used to assist you in your custom code.

Important: This is a manually created list so there may be filters available not yet listed.

Filter by:

vcex_newsletter_form_action_urlstringReturns the url for the Newsletter element form action attribute.
vcex_optimize_carousels_onloadboolCheck if the theme should optimize carousel display on load. If true, the theme will display carousels as grid elements until the site has loaded to prevent LCP issues.
vcex_query_argsarrayReturns the array of arguments to pass on to WP_Query for any theme element (Post Cards, Post Types Grid, etc).
vcex_toggle_close_icon_svgstringReturns the toggle element close SVG icon.
vcex_toggle_open_icon_svgstringReturns the toggle element open SVG icon.
woo_entry_card_stylestringReturns the name of the cart style to display for the current WooCommerce product entry.
wpex_{post_type}_entry_excerpt_lengthstringReturns the excerpt length for the post type entry. Default is 40.
wpex_{post_type}_entry_overlay_stylestringReturns the overlay style for the custom post type entry thumbnail.
wpex_{post_type}_single_thumbnail_argsarrayReturns correct arguments for the single post thumbnail for any custom post type using the theme's cpt-single-media.php template file
wpex_{post_type}_single_thumbnail_argsarrayReturns arguments for the entry post thumbnail for any custom post type using the theme’s cpt-entry-media.php template file
wpex_add_search_toggle_ubermenu_classesboolCheck if the theme should add the UberMenu specific classes to the header menu search toggle link when UberMenu is enabled.
wpex_author_bio_avatar_sizeintegerAlters the default avatar size used in the author bio section for your single blog posts.
wpex_blog_entry_author_avatar_sizeintegerAlters the default avatar size for the blog entry avatars when enabled.
wpex_blog_entry_columnsintegerThe number of columns to display the current blog archive in. Will only work for the grid style.
wpex_blog_entry_stylestringThe blog entry style for the current archive. Default is 'large-image-entry-style'.
wpex_blog_post_related_query_argsarrayArguments for the related blog items query.
wpex_blog_single_media_positionstringReturns correct position for your blog post media.
wpex_blog_stylestringFilters the blog entry style default is "large-image-entry-style".
wpex_blog_wrap_classesarrayArray of classes to be added to the main wrapper around your blog posts.
wpex_breadcrumbs_shop_titlestringReturns the title for the WooCommerce shop.
wpex_button_stylesarrayReturns an array of button style choices for use with theme settings and elements (flat, graphical, clean, three-d, outline, minimal-border and plain-text).
wpex_card_builder_allowed_shortcodes_listarrayReturns an array of elements that are available for the Card builder when using WPBakery.
wpex_card_more_link_aria_labelstringReturns the text to use for the theme cards more link aria-label attribute.
wpex_carousel_arrow_positionsarrayReturns array of carousel arrow positions.
wpex_carousel_arrow_stylesarrayReturns array of carousel arrow styles.
wpex_column_gapsarrayReturns an array of allowed grid gaps used in various Customizer and builder element settings.
wpex_comments_classarrayReturns array of classes added to the #comments element.
wpex_comments_titlestringCan be used to alter the default Comments title.
wpex_conditional_logic_callable_whitelistarrayReturns an array of whitelisted callback functions for the theme's Conditional_Logic class.
wpex_custom_breadcrumbsvarUsed to override the default breadcrumbs, must return a variable/function.
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