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Snippet: Create a Custom Off Canvas Element Shortcode

The following snippet can be used to create your own custom off-canvas element that has whatever content you want. In this example the off canvas element will display content from a custom dynamic template but you can customize it to display anything you want.

// Create a "[my_off_canvas]" for displaying an off-canvas element with custom content.
// Change "my_" to your preferred prefix and modify accordingly.
add_shortcode( 'my_off_canvas', function() {
	$off_canvas_id = 'my-off-canvas'; // any unique id you want
	$off_canvas_content = do_shortcode( '[wpex_template id="ID"]' ); // Change ID with your dynamic template to for the off canvas content.
	$off_canvas_footer_content = ''; // Any content you want for the footer.
	if ( class_exists( 'TotalTheme\Off_Canvas' ) ) {

		// The toggle button - @see Total/inc/hamburger-icon for args.
		$hamburger_icon = class_exists( 'TotalTheme\Hamburger_Icon' ) ? TotalTheme\Hamburger_Icon::render() : 'Open Menu';
		echo '<button class="wpex-unstyled-button" aria-controls="' . $off_canvas_id . '" data-wpex-toggle="off-canvas" aria-expanded-false>' . $hamburger_icon . '</button>';
		// See Total/inc/off-canvas for all available args.
		$off_canvas_args = [
			'id' => $off_canvas_id,
		// Render new off canvas element
		new TotalTheme\Off_Canvas( $off_canvas_args, $off_canvas_content, $off_canvas_footer_content );
	return ob_get_clean();
} );
All PHP snippets should be added via child theme's functions.php file or via a plugin.
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