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Show Elements on Hover in Custom Cards

When creating custom cards you may want to have elements hidden by default and revealed on hover. This is possible using built-in utility classes.

Simply add the classname wpex-card-hover-reveal to any element you want to display only when hovering over your card.



It’s possible to animate the element when it’s shown by adding an extra classname with the affect you want. Here is a list of additional classnames you can add to your hidden element:

  • wpex-card-hover-reveal–up
  • wpex-card-hover-reveal–down
  • wpex-card-hover-reveal–left
  • wpex-card-hover-reveal–right
  • wpex-card-hover-reveal–zoom

As an example have a look at the built-in Overlay 5 card style which makes use of the wpex-card-hover-reveal wpex-card-hover-reveal--up classnames for the title.

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