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Snippet: Advanced AJAX Filter Example

The Total theme includes a powerful AJAX filter script that is currently used for the navigation bar element for adding simple term based AJAX filters. However, if you are using a child theme or code snippet plugin it's possible to create more advanced custom filters using your own code. Below is an example of how you may create your own advanced AJAX filter using custom code.


 * Create a custom filter shortcode.
 * Make sure to change "myprefix_" to whatever prefix you want.
 * Each data set should contain a data-vcex-type attribute with the type:
 * "meta", "post", "order", "search", "orderby", "reset", "submit" or {taxonomy_name}
 * Each data set should also contain a data-vcex-value (for links) or value attribute (for form elements).
 * Usage [myprefix_ajax_filter target="GRID_ID"]
function myprefix_ajax_filter_shortcode( $atts ) {
	if ( empty( $atts['target'] ) || ! function_exists( 'totalthemecore_call_non_static' ) ) {

	// Load ajax scripts.
	totalthemecore_call_non_static( 'Vcex\Ajax', 'enqueue_scripts' );

	// Get target grid.
	$target = $atts['target'];

	// Render filter HTML.

	<div data-vcex-ajax-filter="1" data-vcex-ajax-filter-target="#<?php echo esc_attr( str_replace( '#', '', $target ) ); ?>" data-vcex-ajax-filter-multiple="1" data-vcex-ajax-filter-relation="AND">

		<div class="wpex-flex wpex-flex-wrap wpex-gap-25">

			/* A simple category button */ ?>
			<button class="theme-button" data-vcex-type="category" value="category-1">Category 1</button>

			/* Category Dropdown */
			$categories = get_terms( [
				'taxonomy'   => 'category',
				'hide_empty' => false,
			] );
			if ( $categories && ! is_wp_error( $categories ) ) { ?>
				<select data-vcex-type="category">
					<option value="">Select Category</option>
					<?php foreach ( $categories as $category ) { ?>
						<option value="<?php echo esc_attr( $category->term_id ); ?>"><?php echo esc_html( $category->name ); ?></option>
					<?php } ?>
			<?php } ?>
			/* Order Dropdown */ ?>
			<select data-vcex-type="order">
				<option value="">Order</option>
				<option value="asc">ASC</option>
				<option value="desc">DESC</option>

			/* Orderby Dropdown */ ?>
			<select data-vcex-type="orderby">
				<option value="">Order By</option>
				<option value="name">Name</option>
				<option value="date">Date</option>

			/* Search Field */ ?>
			<input type="text" data-vcex-type="search" placeholder="search items">


		 * Submit Field ( !! Optional !!)
		 * If a submit button exists the filter will only run when clicking the button.
		 * Otherwise it will run whenever making a new selection
		 * or when typing in the search box.
		 */ ?>
		<button class="theme-button" data-vcex-type="submit">Submit Filter</button>

		/* Reset Field */ ?>
		<button class="theme-button" data-vcex-type="reset">Reset Filter</button>


	return ob_get_clean();
add_shortcode( 'myprefix_ajax_filter', 'myprefix_ajax_filter_shortcode' );
All PHP snippets should be added via child theme's functions.php file or via a plugin.
We recommend Code Snippets (100% Free) or WPCode (sponsored)
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