Below you will find the most commonly asked questions for the Total WordPress theme. This is an especially helpful resource if you are thinking about buying the theme or recently purchased the theme and are getting started.
If you have any questions please let us know via the ThemeForest comments.
Is Total a Free Theme?
No. Total is a premium theme that can only be purchased from ThemeForest. There may be other theme’s out there with the same name, but they aren’t the official Total WordPress Theme. owns the Trademark for “Total” so we sell the only “true” Total theme.
How can I Download the Theme?
Once you’ve purchased a valid license of the Total WordPress theme you can download it form your ThemeForest “downloads” tab. Once downloaded you can upload it to your WordPress site via Appearance > Themes > Install.
How Many Sites is My License Valid For?
Total follows the standard ThemeForest license which means you can only use the theme once for each license you own. If you wish to use the theme on multiple sites you must purchase multiple licenses. If you are a freelance developer we generally recommend you have your client purchase their own license this way you don’t have to but also your client can always reach out to us for help if they need it once you are done setting up their site.
What are the Theme Requirements?
There are only two requirements for using the Total theme, have a look below:
Requirements |
Theme License purchased from ThemeForest |
Self Hosted version WordPress (view server recommendations). |