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Changing your background is extremely easy in Total and you can actually set it both globally and also alter the background on a per-page or per-post basis. Learn About Theme Layouts 1. Global Background Setting Via the Customizer you can quickly and easily change your background. Simply go to Appearance > Customize > Global Styles…

How to Change Site Backgrounds

Creating full-screen background areas is very trendy these days and Total makes it really easy to do so! The Visual Composer rows have the ability to stretch to the full-screen width. This will allow you to create full-screen rows on any page no matter what the layout is. a. Insert your row and select your stretch row…

Creating Full-Width/Screen Rows & Backgrounds (normal, parallax or fixed backgrounds)

If you are looking to create rows with background images that basically stay in place while your site scrolls down much like the “Paris” demo you can easily via the “Fixed Background Style” option when editing row. Simply go to the “Design Options” tab and near the bottom you will find the setting so you…

Fixed Row Background Images

The Total Theme includes a Color Palette functionality to make it easier to define a set color scheme so you can easily control your site colors globally. To define your color palette, simply go to Theme Panel > Color Palette which will look something like this: Click on the “Add Color” button on the top…

Define and Use a Site Color Palette
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