If you are having any issues with the theme or have any questions regarding how to use the theme you can contact us for help via 2 methods. Important: Do…
Whenever you start with a new theme it can be a bit complicated to know what everything is and where everything is located. Below you'll find the basic "anatomy" of…
The Total Theme Core plugin is a plugin included with the Total theme since version 4.9. This plugin extends the theme's functionality via functions that are typically "plugin territory". These…
Whenever you purchase a product from ThemeForest or any other Envato marketplace your purchase includes a unique license/purchase code. This code while it does nothing in of itself, can be…
The Total theme includes a unique and exclusive Card API that allows you to display your standard posts, pages and custom post types beautifully on your site. You can choose…
The Total Theme includes a Color Palette functionality to make it easier to define a set color scheme so you can easily control your site colors globally. To define your…
In order to properly use the Total WordPress theme you will need the following: A valid license of the Total theme which you can purchase here. Hosting with the latest…
In Total 5.4 we added the ability to quickly change the default color scheme of the theme so you can instantly change the default design of the site globally. To…
By default the theme includes various bundled plugins and when you first install the theme you will be asked if you want to install the plugins or not. Whenever the…