Below you will find a reference of filters available in the Total theme. Filters can be used to modify default theme options, values or output (learn more). You can use the search above to try and locate specific filters. This reference is intended to help you quickly locate a filter name. Once you locate a filter that you think may be useful you can then search the theme files for the filter to see how it’s being used to assist you in your custom code.
Important: This is a manually created list so there may be filters available not yet listed.
Filter by:
Name | Return | Usage |
wpex_page_header_background_position | string | Returns a custom position for the page header background image to inserted into inline css. Default is "50% 0". |
wpex_page_header_class | array | Returns array of classes to be added to the page header element. |
wpex_page_header_content_class | array | Returns array of classnames to be added to the page-header-content element. |
wpex_page_header_inner_class | array | Returns array of classes to be added to the page-header-inner element. |
wpex_page_header_overlay | string | Returns the html output for the overlay element when enabled and using the "Background Image" page header style. |
wpex_page_header_overlay_class | array | Returns array of classnames to be added to the page header overlay when set to the "Background Image" style. |
wpex_page_header_overlay_opacity | string | Returns a custom opacity for the overlay color when the page header is set to the "Background Image" style and an overlay is enabled. |
wpex_page_header_overlay_style | string | Returns the overlay style to be used for the page header when set to the "Background Image" style (none or dark). Default is dark. |
wpex_page_header_styles | array | Returns an array of choices for the page header styles. |
wpex_page_header_subheading_class | array | Returns array of classes to be added to the page-header-subheading element. |
wpex_page_header_title_args | array | Returns an array for the page header title arguments - html_tag, string, schema_markup |
wpex_page_header_title_class | array | Returns array of classes to be added to the page-header-title element. |
wpex_password_protected_excerpt | string | The excerpt to display above the protected post password form. |
wpex_portfolio_args | array | Main arguments for the register_post_type function for the Portfolio post type. |
wpex_post_author_bio_data | array | Use to alter the default author bio avatar, description, name, etc. |
wpex_post_cards_entry_class | array | Returns an array of classes to add to the .wpex-post-cards-entry element. |
wpex_post_cards_featured_post_id | int | Returns the ID for the Post Cards featured post. |
wpex_post_cards_query_type_choices | array | Returns an array of choices for the Post Cards Query Type select. |
wpex_post_layout_class | string | Filter used to alter the layout on any post, page or archive. Return values should be: left-sidebar, right-sidebar, full-width or full-screen. |
wpex_post_readmore_link_text | string | Filters the text for the blog entry read more button. |
wpex_post_series_query_args | bool | Used to alter the post series query arguments. |
wpex_post_slider_position | string | The position in which the slider should return. Default is "below_title". |
wpex_post_slider_shortcode | string | The shortcode to be used for the current page slider. Can be used not only to override the default but can also be used to add sliders to archives. |
wpex_prev_post_link_same_cat | bool | Conditional check for the next and previous post links. Set to true to display next/prev posts from the same category. |
wpex_prev_post_link_title | string | Used to alter the default title for your next and previous post links. Default is '%title'. |
wpex_recent_posts_icons_query_args | array | Returns the array of arguments to pass on to WP_Query for the Recent Posts with Icons widget. |
wpex_recommended_plugins | array | Array of recommended plugins for the TGMPA activation script. |
wpex_register_footer_sidebars | array | Returns an array of wigetized areas (sidebars) to be used in the footer-widgets element. |
wpex_register_sidebars_array | array | Returns array of sidebars to be registered by the theme. You can hook into this function to register a new sidebar location to ensure it follows the theme's standards rather then using the core register_sidebar function. Each item in the array should be composed of a key equal to the sidebar name and a value equal to the label to display in the widgets panel. |
wpex_related_blog_posts_columns | integer | Filters the default columns (3) for the related blog posts. |