Below you will find a reference of filters available in the Total theme. Filters can be used to modify default theme options, values or output (learn more). You can use the search above to try and locate specific filters. This reference is intended to help you quickly locate a filter name. Once you locate a filter that you think may be useful you can then search the theme files for the filter to see how it’s being used to assist you in your custom code.
Important: This is a manually created list so there may be filters available not yet listed.
Filter by:
Name | Return | Usage |
wpex_related_staff_args | array | Arguments for the related staff items query. |
wpex_search_in_menu | bool | Whether to display the search icon in the menu or not. |
wpex_search_placeholder_text | string | Returns the placeholder text for all searchforms. |
wpex_search_thumbnail_args | array | Filters the arguments for the search entry thumbnail. |
wpex_select_wrap_arrow_html | string | Returns the HTML for the theme's custom select arrow. |
wpex_select_wrap_arrow_ticon | string | Returns the icon name for the theme's custom select arrow. |
wpex_shop_catalog_slider_data | array | Used to alter the parameters of the WooCommerce slider. |
wpex_shop_single_slider_data | array | Returns the data attributes for the single product slider |
wpex_show_comments | bool | Check if the current page should display comments or not. |
wpex_sidebar_class | array | Returns array of classnames to be added to the #sidebar element. |
wpex_sidebar_class | array | Returns array of classes to be added to the sidebar-inner element. |
wpex_single_blog_post_blocks | array | Blocks to display for your single standard post. |
wpex_skins | array | Array of skins for the theme, can be used to create your own skin, sweet! |
wpex_slider_next_icon | string | Returns the theme slider next icon name (material/arrow-forward-ios) |
wpex_slider_prev_icon | string | Returns the theme slider previous icon name (material/arrow-back-ios) |
wpex_social_button_styles | array | Returns an array of social button styles to choose from. Used in the Customizer and in shortcode settings. |
wpex_social_profile_options_list | array | Returns an array of social profiles with defined labels and icons. This array is used for Social widgets and builder elements. So if you wanted to add new social options you would hook into this filter, example snippet. |
wpex_social_share_heading | string | Used to alter the heading for the social sharing heading when in Horizontal mode. |
wpex_social_share_items | array | Returns an array of social share items so you can remove or add custom options. View sample snippet. |
wpex_social_share_position | string | Filters the position for your social sharing links. |
wpex_staff_args | array | Main arguments for the register_post_type function for the Staff post type. |
wpex_staff_social_item_label | string | Returns the label text for the given staff social item. |
wpex_taxonomy_portfolio_tag_args | array | Arguments passed for the portfolio tag taxonomy. |
wpex_taxonomy_post_series_args | array | Arguments for the post series query. |
wpex_taxonomy_testimonials_category_args | args | Arguments passed for the testimonials category register_taxonomy function. |
wpex_testimonials_args | array | Main arguments for the register_post_type function for the Testimonials post type. |
wpex_testimonials_wrap_classes | array | Filters the classes of the testimonials entry wrapper. |
wpex_theme_color_palette | array | Returns an array of theme color palette choices. |
wpex_theme_icon_format | string | Returns the format to use for theme icons (font or svg) |
wpex_theme_post_types | array | Array of the custom post types that are enabled for the theme. Use to completely remove any un-desired post type. |