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Below you will find a reference of filters available in the Total theme. Filters can be used to modify default theme options, values or output (learn more). You can use the search above to try and locate specific filters. This reference is intended to help you quickly locate a filter name. Once you locate a filter that you think may be useful you can then search the theme files for the filter to see how it’s being used to assist you in your custom code.

Important: This is a manually created list so there may be filters available not yet listed.

Filter by:

wpex_tiny_mce_formats_items$arrayReturns the array of $items for the TinyMCE editor "Formats" dropdown.
wpex_toggle_bar_activeboolConditional check to see if the Toggle Bar should be enabled for a certain page.
wpex_toggle_bar_activeboolWhether the toggle bar is active or not.
wpex_toggle_bar_content_idintegerFilters the ID for the toggle_bar content.
wpex_toggle_bar_page_idintegerThe page ID to be used for the content within the Toggle Bar.
wpex_top_bar_stylestringReturns the topbar "style" (one, two, three). Default is one.
wpex_topbar_social_links_outputstringHTML output for the Top Bar social links.
wpex_typography_settingsarrayArray of typography settings. Can be used to remove or add settings.
wpex_typography_stylesarrayReturns an array of typography styles used in the WPBakery row/column Typography setting (light, white, white-shadow, black, none).
wpex_vc_css_idsarrayReturns an array of post/page ID's that will be checked for WPbakery custom CSS and if CSS is found that CSS will be loaded for all pages.
wpex_vc_row_post_thumbnail_bg_idintFilters the ID used for the WPBakery row background when set to display the featured image.
wpex_vc_waypoints_settingsboolReturns an array of settings to pass on to the vc_waypoints javascript function which is used for the CSS animation settings.
wpex_visibilityarrayReturns an array of visibility options. Used for various Customizer and shortcode settings.
wpex_widget_nav_menu_open_submenu_iconstringReturns the name of the icon to use for the navigation widget submenu toggle icon.
wpex_woo_outofstock_textstringUsed to alter the out of stock text for WooCommerce products.
wpex_woocommerce_add_to_cart_button_loaderstringReturns the html for the WooCommerce add to cart spinner/loader icon.
wpex_woocommerce_archive_template_idintReturns the template ID to use for the WooCommerce archive display.
wpex_woocommerce_cart_icon_choicesarrayReturns an array of icon choices for the WooCommerce cart icon selector in the Customizer.
wpex_woocommerce_product_entry_thumbnail_idintReturns the ID to use for the WooCommerce product entry image when displaying a singular thumbnail.
wpex_woocommerce_quantity_button_minus_iconstringReturns the name of the icon to use for the WooCommerce product quantity field minus icon.
wpex_woocommerce_quantity_button_plus_iconstringReturns the name of the icon to use for the WooCommerce product quantity field plus icon.
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