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Below you will find a reference of filters available in the Total theme. Filters can be used to modify default theme options, values or output (learn more). You can use the search above to try and locate specific filters. This reference is intended to help you quickly locate a filter name. Once you locate a filter that you think may be useful you can then search the theme files for the filter to see how it’s being used to assist you in your custom code.

Important: This is a manually created list so there may be filters available not yet listed.

Filter by:

wpex_is_page_animations_enabledboolCheck if the page animations functionality is enabled.
wpex_login_logo_linkstringAlters the link on the logo for the WordPress login page.
wpex_logo_urlstringReturns the URL to add to the link surrounding your header logo
wpex_main_layoutstringUsed to alter the main site layout. Return values should be "boxed" or "full-width".
wpex_main_metaboxes_post_typesarrayUsed to filter the post types to which the "Page Settings" metabox should be added to.
wpex_mce_font_formats_arrayarrayAdds font options to the TinyMCE editor.
wpex_menu_cart_iconstringReturns the icon name for the header menu cart icon.
wpex_menu_cart_icon_htmlstringCan be used to alter the HTML for the default cart icon in the main menu.
wpex_menu_search_icon_theme_locationsarrayReturns an array of menus that support the header search icon functionality. Default is "main_menu".
wpex_meta_argsarrayReturns an array of arguments for the post meta.
wpex_meta_block_iconstringFilters the icon name for the icon displayed on a given meta block.
wpex_meta_sections$arrayReturns the array of meta sections to display (date, author, categories, comments).
wpex_meta_viewporthtmlReturns the meta viewport tag to be added to the wp_head.
wpex_mobile_menu_open_button_textstringReturns the text or HTML to display for the mobile menu toggle button. Default is '<span class="fa fa-bars"></span>'.
wpex_mobile_menu_open_button_textstringReturns the "text" to be used for the mobile menu hamburger icon. By default it returns the hamburger icon only.
wpex_mobile_menu_open_submenu_iconstringReturns the name of the icon to use for the mobile menu submenu toggle icon.
wpex_mobile_menu_toggle_classarrayReturns array of classnames for the header menu mobile menu toggle element.
wpex_mobile_menu_toggle_iconstringReturns the HTML to be used for the mobile menu hamburger toggle icon. By default this includes the link, screen reader text and icon.
wpex_mobile_menu_toggle_stylestringReturns the name of the mobile menu toggle style to be used. Accepts icon_buttons, icon_buttons_under_logo, navbar, fixed_top, custom.
wpex_mobile_searchform_placeholderstringThe placeholder text for the mobile menu searchform.
wpex_modern_menu_widget_link_iconstringReturns the name for the icon to use for the Modern Menu widget icon.
wpex_newsletter_widget_action_urlstringReturns the url for the Newsletter widget form action attribute.
wpex_next_prev_in_same_termboolWhether next/previous links should display posts from the same term.
wpex_oembed_responsive_hostsarrayArray of oEmbed websites that should receive the Total theme's responsive wrapper added to them.
wpex_overlay_styles_arrayarrayUsed to add/remove/tweak the "Overlay Styles" available in the theme.
wpex_page_animations_excluded_linksarrayReturns an array of all elements that should be excluded from the Page Animations function whenever an excluded link is clicked the page out animation will not run.
wpex_page_header_aside_classarrayReturns array of classes to be added to the page-header-aside element.
wpex_page_header_background_imagestring/intReturns the background image to be used for the page header element. This can be a URL to an image or an image attachment id.
wpex_page_header_background_image_stylestringReturns the page header background image style (cover or fixed). Default is "cover".
wpex_page_header_background_positionstringReturns a custom position for the page header background image to inserted into inline css. Default is "50% 0".
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