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Below you will find a reference of filters available in the Total theme. Filters can be used to modify default theme options, values or output (learn more). You can use the search above to try and locate specific filters. This reference is intended to help you quickly locate a filter name. Once you locate a filter that you think may be useful you can then search the theme files for the filter to see how it’s being used to assist you in your custom code.

Important: This is a manually created list so there may be filters available not yet listed.

Filter by:

totaltheme/topbar/breakpointstringThe breakpoint at which point the topbar should switch from a left/right layout to a top/bottom layout (sm, md, lg, xl). Default is md.
totaltheme/topbar/contentstringFilters the top bar content which is defined by default in the customizer.
totaltheme/topbar/content_classarrayReturns an array of classes for the #top-bar-content element.
totaltheme/topbar/inner_classarrayArray of classes to be added to the inner top bar element.
totaltheme/topbar/is_enabledboolConditional check to see if the top bar should display or not.
totaltheme/topbar/menu/classarrayReturns an array of classes to be added to the topbar menu ul element.
totaltheme/topbar/social/alt_contentstringReturns the alternative content to display instead of the social links in the Top Bar.
totaltheme/topbar/social/choicesarrayReturns array of social options for use with the Top Bar social.
totaltheme/topbar/social/icon_stylestringReturns the style name to be used for the Top Bar social profile link icons. Default is "flat-color-rounded".
totaltheme/topbar/social/is_enabledboolCheck if the topbar should display social items or not.
totaltheme/topbar/social/link_attributesarrayReturns and array of attributes to be added to the Top Bar social profile links.
totaltheme/topbar/social/wrapper_classarrayArray of classes to be added to the top bar element holding the social profile links.
totaltheme/topbar/wrapper_classarrayArray of classes to be added to the top bar main wrapper.
totalthemecore/meta/main_metabox/has_core_fieldsboolReturns true or false if the theme settings meta box should display the core fields.
totalthemecore/meta/main_metabox/has_media_fieldsboolReturns true or false if the main metabox should display the media fields.
totalthemecore/meta/main_metabox/post_typesarrayReturns a list of post types to add the theme settings metabox to.
totalthemecore/vcex/post_query/argsarrayReturns an array of arguments for any Element WP_Query. Used primarily for the Post Cards element.
totalthemecore/vcex/post_query/max_sticky_postsintReturns the max number of sticky posts that can be queried when using the Exclude or Include only sticky posts query fields.
vcex_ajax_use_session_storageboolCheck if the theme's AJAX functions should store results in the browser's Local Storage.
vcex_builder_modulesarrayArray of custom WPBakery shortcodes added by the Total theme can be used to remove any you don't want.
vcex_carousel_default_settingsarrayReturns an array of default settings for theme carousels (OwlCarousel).
vcex_custom_field_param_choicesarrayReturns an array of options for the theme's custom field parameter which is used to select a custom field in various theme elements when using WPBakery.
vcex_elementor_integrationboolCheck if the theme's Elementor integration is enabled.
vcex_feature_box_default_breakpointstringReturns the default breakpoint (sm,md,lg,xl) for the feature box stacking.
vcex_filter_taxonomyvarReturns the taxonomy for the grid category filter via a child theme.
vcex_grid_default_title_tagstringAllows you to tweak the default title tag (h2, h3, h4, etc) for the Post Types Grid, Portfolio Grid, Staff Grid and Testimonials Grid.
vcex_grid_queryarrayUsed to tweak the Post Types Grid, Portfolio Grid, Staff Grid, Blog Grid or Testimonials Grid query arguments.
vcex_icon_box_stylesarrayUsed to remove, add or change "Icon Box" selection.
vcex_image_translate_attachmentboolCheck whether the theme should automatically translate the image ID used when displaying an image via the Image element.
vcex_navbar_get_terms_argsarrayReturns the array of arguments for the Navigation Bar element (vcex_navbar shortcode) to pass to get_terms() when displaying a taxonomy term based menu.
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