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Below you will find a reference of filters available in the Total theme. Filters can be used to modify default theme options, values or output (learn more). You can use the search above to try and locate specific filters. This reference is intended to help you quickly locate a filter name. Once you locate a filter that you think may be useful you can then search the theme files for the filter to see how it’s being used to assist you in your custom code.

Important: This is a manually created list so there may be filters available not yet listed.

Filter by:

totaltheme/header/overlay/logo_image_idintReturns the image ID for the overlay/transparent header logo if you are displaying a different logo then the default site logo.
totaltheme/header/overlay/stylestringReturns the current overlay header style. Choices are: white, light, dark, core.
totaltheme/header/overlay/style_choicesarrayReturns array of header overlay styles (white, light, dark or core).
totaltheme/header/sticky/breakpointintFilters the breakpoint for the sticky header.
totaltheme/header/sticky/is_enabledboolWhether the header should be fixed on scroll or not.
totaltheme/header/stylestringReturns the header style. Default is "one".
totaltheme/header/vertical/positionstringReturns the position for the vertical header (left or right).
totaltheme/header/wrapper_classarrayReturns a list of classes to be added to the main header wrap.
totaltheme/integration/wpbakery/remove_elements/blacklistarrayReturns the array of WPBakery elements that get removed by the theme.
totaltheme/integration/wpbakery/slim_mode/is_enabledboolCheck if WPBakery slim mode is enabled.
totaltheme/integration/wpbakery/video_backgrounds/video_attributesarrayReturns an array of attributes to add to self hosted video elements.
totaltheme/integration/yoast_seo/pagination_fix/is_enabledboolCheck whether the theme should fix the Yoast SEO plugin issues related to paginated page canonicals and titles.
totaltheme/lightbox/l10narrayReturns an array of settings for the themes lightbox that is passed via wp_localize_script to the javasript file.
totaltheme/mobile/menu/breakpointintReturns a numerical value for the mobile menu breakpoint, which is the screen width at which the main header menu becomes hidden and the mobile menu toggle becomes visible.
totaltheme/mobile/menu/is_enabledboolCheck if the header menu has a mobile menu version. If you are using a custom header you could potentially set this filter to __return_true so that the theme inserts the mobile menu code onto the page and then you can make use of it via a custom toggle button with the classname "mobile-menu-toggle".
totaltheme/mobile/menu/sidr/sourcearrayReturns an array of element classnames or ID's to be appended to the Sidebar style mobile menu.
totaltheme/mobile/menu/stylestringReturns the current mobile menu style. Options: sidr, full_screen or toggle.
totaltheme/page/header/breakpointstringBreakpoint at which the page header would switch from a left/right layout to a top/bottom layout (sm, md, lg, xl). Default is md.
totaltheme/page/header/has_subheadingboolCheck if the page header should display the subheading (if a subheading is defined).
totaltheme/page/header/has_titleboolCheck if the page header title should display inside the page header element.
totaltheme/page/header/is_enabledboolWhether the page header should display or not.
totaltheme/page/header/stylestringThe style to be used for the page header which get's added as a classname to the page header in the format style-{name}. Default is "default".
totaltheme/page/header/subheadingstringReturns the string to display for the page header subheading.
totaltheme/pagination/load_more/button_textstringFilters the default load more button text.
totaltheme/post_gallery/include_featured_imageboolReturns true or false if the post gallery should include the featured image.
totaltheme/replace_vars/is_enabledboolChecks if the Replace_Vars class should run which is the class that parses "Dynamic Variables".
totaltheme/replace_vars/varsarrayReturns the array of replacement vars.
totaltheme/restrict_content/restrictionsarrayReturns an array of functions whitelisted for the theme's wpex_user_can_access() function which is used in options such as the WPBakery Row Access setting.
totaltheme/sidebars/primary/insert_hook_namestringReturns the hook name for inserting the primary sidebar area.
totaltheme/sidebars/primary/namestringReturns the name of the sidebar to use for the main sidebar area in the theme as defined by register_sidebar.
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