The Total theme template files have designated “locations” that can be overwritten either by built-in theme “builder” functions such as the Header and Footer builder, via plugins like the Elementor Pro Theme Builder or via custom code using the wpex_{location}_template_id filter. Below is a list of all the available theme locations:
- togglebar
- topbar
- header
- page_header
- single (main content)
- archive (main content)
- taxonomy (main content)
- author (main content)
- blog_archive (main content)
- search_archive (main content)
- post_type_archive (main content)
- footer_callout
- footer_bottom
- social_share
Using the Filter Hook
Below is an example of how you could use the filter to override a template. In this example we are manually setting the news category “archive” location to use the template with an ID of “2”.
add_filter( 'wpex_archive_template_id', function( $template_id ) {
if ( is_category( 'news' ) ) {
$template_id = 2; // set a different template_id for the news category
return $template_id;
} );