The Total theme includes many great features built-in that provide extra functionality but can be easily disabled if not in use. Disabling features won’t make your site faster because each feature runs very quickly, however, disabling features will slim down the WordPress dashboard.

Demo Importer
Enables a new admin screen at Theme Panel > Demo Importer so you can import one of the Total live demos. Demos are to be used as a “starter” for a new site and are best imported on a fresh WordPress installation.
Under Construction
Enables a new admin screen at Theme Panel > Under Construction where you can select a custom page and have your entire website redirect to this page for any visitor that is not logged in. Logged in users will be able to browse the site normally.
Bundled/Recommended Plugins
Enables a notice that displays a list of bundled or recommended plugins for the theme. It also adds an admin screen under Appearance > Install Plugins for installing and updating bundled plugins. This feature also provides updates to the bundled plugins whenever there is a theme update which includes an updated version of a bundled plugin.
Theme Meta Generator Tag
Enables a meta=generator tag in the site header with the current Total theme version number which is used when seeking theme support so the developer knows what version of the theme your site is currently running.
Dynamic Templates
Enables the Dynamic Templates dashboard.
Theme Elements
Enables over 60 custom builder blocks exclusive to the Total theme for WPBakery. These modules are located inside the Total Theme Core plugin. By default the modules will load regardless of the WPBakery plugin allowing you to use the blocks as standard shortcodes if you are using a different builder such as Elementor.
Minify Javascript
When enabled the live site will load a minified and compressed version of it’s javascript files. Disable this option for troubleshooting purposes
Custom CSS
Enables the Custom CSS admin panel for making CSS customizations via the backend. This function hooks into the core WordPress custom CSS functionality so any CSS added here will also be available in the Customizer.
Custom Actions
Enables a new admin screen at Theme Panel > Custom Actions where you can insert HTML/JS to any of the theme’s core action hooks. It’s a great way to add global content anywhere on your site. PHP input is not supported for security reasons. For more advanced modifications it is adviced to use a child theme.
Enables a new admin screen at Theme Panel > Favicons where you can set custom site icons for various devices. If you rather set a global site icon that gets automatically resized you can disable this function and instead go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity and upload your custom icon under the Site Icon option.
Enables the Portfolio Post Type.
Enables the Staff Post Type.
Enables the Testimonials Post Type
Post Series
Enables a new taxonomy named Post Series to your standard posts which allows you to “connect” different posts together as a series. For any post in a series, the front end will display links to all other posts in the series. This is commonly used for multipart tutorials.
Header Builder
Enables a new admin screen at Theme Panel > Header Builder where you can select any template to override the default theme header. This functionality is compatible with both WPBakery and Elementor if you want to create a page builder based header.
Footer Builder
Enables a new admin screen at Theme Panel > Footer Builder where you can select any template to override the default theme footer. This functionality is compatible with both WPBakery and Elementor if you want to create a page builder based header.
Custom WP Login Screen
Enables a new admin screen at Theme Panel > Custom Login where you tweak the default WordPress login screen such as uploading a custom logo and changin the default background and form colors.
Custom 404 Page
Enables a new admin screen at Theme Panel > Custom 404 where you can redirect your 404 pages or select a custom template for your 404 page.
Customizer Manager
Enables a new admin screen at Theme Panel > Customizer Manager where you can select what theme tabs are displayed in the Customizer. For example if you do not plan on using the theme Top Bar or Toggle Bar functionaility you can hide the settings completely in the Customizer to slim things down and speed things up.
Custom WordPress Gallery
Enables a custom output for the “legacy” WordPress gallery (non-gutenberg) that includes lightbox functionality and custom image cropping via the settings under Theme Panel > Image Sizes > Other. If you are using Elementor it is recommended that you disable this setting to prevent conflicts because the plugin also creates a custom output for galleries.
Custom Widget Areas
Enables a dashboard at Appearance > Widget Areas for creating and assigning custom widget areas.
Card Builder
Enables the Custom Cards panel which allows you to build your own custom post card designs.
Theme Widgets
Enables over 20 custom widgets exclusive to the Total theme.
Widget Block Editor
Enables the widget block editor in WordPress 5.8+.
Taxonomy Thumbnails
Enables the ability to define a thumbnail for your categories and custom taxonomies. This thumbnail is used on the front-end as the page header background and is also used in various elements such as the Categories Grid and Categories Carousel modules.
Taxonomy Thumbnail Page Header
When enabled taxonomy terms that have thumbnails defined will display the page header background style using the thumbnail as the background.
Taxonomy Theme Settings
Enables extra options within the Theme Settings metabox when editing categories and other taxonomies (redirection, sidebar, card entry style, etc).
Taxonomy Colors
Enables the ability to set custom colors for your categories which may be used by various theme elements and card styles. This functionality is enabled for categories only but can be extended to custom taxonomies via a filter.
Image Gallery Metabox
Enables the “Image Gallery” metabox in the post editor which allows you do define gallery images for your pages, posts, portfolio items and custom post types.
Theme Settings Metabox
Enables the “Theme Settings” metabox in the post editor that allows you to alter various Customizer settings on a per post basis. For most, this feature isn’t necessary and can be disabled to slim things down.
Disabling this feature will only remove the non post type specific settings and any previously set values will still be applied, nothing will be removed from the actual database.
Card Settings Metabox
Enables the Card Settings metabox in the post editor that allows you to alter various card settings on a per post basis. Disabling this feature will only remove the fields from the post editor, any previously set values will still be applied.
Editor Styles
Loads custom styles when using the WordPress editor so that your fonts and certain styles match the live site.
Editor Formats
Enables the “Formats” button with some default and custom styles that you can use when adding text via the WordPress editor.
Editor Shortcodes
Enables a new “Shortcodes” button in the WordPress editor with some exclusive theme shortcodes including line break, icon, current year, searchform, button, divider and spacing. You can easily add new shortcodes to this dropdown via a child theme.
Remove WP Emojis
By default WordPress adds scripts to the admin and frontend to render custom WP emoji icons. This is unnecessary bloat and thus disabled by default.
Image Sizes
Enables a new admin screen at Theme Panel > Image Sizes where you can define custom cropping for the images on your site.
Page Animations
Enables a new tab under Appearance > Customize > General Theme Options > Page Animations where you can enable a loading icon when people visit your website as well define load in and load out animations for your site.
Color Palette
Enables the Color Palette admin panel for registering your site’s color palette.
Font Manager
Enables the Font Manager admin panel for registering fonts for use on the site.
Typography Options
Enables a new tab at Appearance > Customize > Typography where you can define custom fonts and font styles for various parts of the site including the main body, menu, sidebar, footer, callout, topbar, etc.
Page Edit Links
Enables edit links at the bottom of your posts and pages so you can quickly access the backend or front-end editor while logged into your site.
Import/Export Panel
Enables a new admin screen at Theme Panel > Import/Export where you can quickly export or import Customizer settings from one site to the other.
WPBakery Slim Mode
Exclusive theme feature that removes redundant WPBakery elements and their CSS to greatly slim things down. Enabling this option will also hide elements intended for dynamic templates and custom cards from showing up when editing posts and pages. If enabling on an existing site you will need to double check the site to ensure you were not using of the elements removed by this function.
WPBakery Patterns
Enables theme Patterns for WPBakery which you can access when inserting templates.
WPBakery Field Info Tooltips
By default various WPBakery page builder editor fields include extra info about the field to help you use it. Previously, these displayed below the fields, but in WPBakery v7.7 they added an info icon next to the field heading instead. If you don’t like looking at all the info icons and you understand how to use theme you can disable this feature to clean up the editor.
WPBakery Optimized JS
By default WPBakery loads their main javascript file and the jQuery library whenever any builder element is present on the page. By enabling this option the theme will check to make sure the scripts are absolutely necessary and if not will remove them from the page prior to rendering to speed up your site.
WPBakery CSS Stretched Sections & Rows
The theme will use CSS (where possible) for your Section and Row Stretch settings instead of the default javascript based WPBakery stretching.
WPBakery Theme Mode
Enables “Theme Mode” for the WPBakery page builder plugin. This disables the License Tab under the WPbakery admin settings and hides some unnecessary notices and about pages.
Thumbnail Post Format Icons
Enables the display of a format icon on the front-end. For example if you publish a blog post that is set as an “Image” post format, the theme will display a little image icon over the Thumbnail (featured image) on entries and in the related posts section.
WP Header Image
Enables the WordPress core header image function under Appearance > Customize > Header Image which simply lets you set a custom background image for your theme header.
Remove Google Fonts
Disables all Google font options from the Customizer Typography panel and Total builder modules. This feature is primarily for users in Countries where Google hosted fonts are not allowed such as China.
Remove Post Type Slugs
Removes the slug from the Portfolio, Staff and Testimonial custom post types. For example instead of a portfolio post being at it would be located at Slugs are used in WordPress by default to prevent conflicts, enabling this setting is not recommented in most cases.