By default when clicking on a local scroll link the theme will smooth scroll to the location but it won’t update the URL. If you wish to have the URL change when clicking on local scroll links you can do so by enabling the setting under Appearance > Customize > General Theme Options > Local Scroll Links named “Update URL Hash”.
By enabling this setting, any local scroll link (using the theme’s local scroll functionality) will also update the URL with the target local scroll ID when clicked. This may be something you want to enable if you are using the Yoast SEO premium plugin for inserting table of contents to your posts and you want the end user to be able to bookmark the URL with the hash appended.
If you are are NOT using a sticky header, it’s recommended to disable all the settings under the Local Scroll Links (Automatic Local Links, Scroll to URL Hash, Highlight Links & Update URL Hash) – the Javascript based local scroll function in Total is primarily in place to prevent the sticky header from overlapping your content when the page jumps to the local section.