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Span Shortcode

Most text fields in elements do not support html for security and optimization reasons, however, sometimes you may want to add a custom span around specific text so it can be styled differently. In order to do this, you can use the built-in [span] shortcode:

Sample Usage

Below is an example of how the shortcode can be used:

This is some text [span]with a span[/span]
This text also has a [span text="span"]
And this text has a [span class="wpex-text-lg"]span with a custom class[/span]

Shortcode Attributes

The following attributes are available for the span shortcode:

AttributesAllowed Values
classA custom classname for the span. Important: It is NOT recommended to add the class parameter when using the span element inside WPBakery elements. Instead add a class to the element and leave the span shortcode in simple form.
textCan be used in the format of [span text="span text"] – only recommended outside of WPBakery elements.
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