Upcoming Changelog: 5.20
- The header logo has been updated to use modern flex classes instead of tables (finally). If you had added CSS to modify the vertical-align property of the logo this would need to be changed to use the align-items property.
- If you were previously using the "wpex-js-sticky" class you may want to test with the CSS only "wpex-sticky" class instead. New sticky enhancement's allow for the class to automatically offset the sticky topbar, header and menu elements.
- Added Utility classes for color palette borders: has-{color_slug}-border-color.
- Added Customizer option where you can enter the position for your Header 5 centered logo. This is a numeric field, so if you enter 3 your logo will be added after the second item.
- Updated The Header Style 5 (centered logo inside menu) now uses PHP instead of Javascript so it will display instantly.
- Updated Sticky topbar, header and menu javascript has been moved into their own files and loaded only if needed.
- Fixed Missing structured data on single WooCommerce products when using a dynamic template.
- Fixed Missing required attribute on header 2 search form and dropdown mobile menu searchform.
- Fixed The Sticky topbar when enabled on mobile, was not using the mobile menu breakpoint value so it was inconsistent with other sticky elements.
- Fixed The “wpex-sticky” utility class was not working with WPBakery sections and rows.
- Removed No longer needed JS polyfills from core js.
- Removed Unnecessary link title attributes from social links.
- Added - New utility class "wpex-sticky-offset-p-0" which can be added along with the "wpex-sticky" class if you don't want the default 25px top padding added to the sticky element.
- Updated - The header logo element now uses utility classes instead of it's own CSS.
- Updated - The header logo element now has a flex container instead of a table (bringing it to modern standards).
- Updated - Buttons now have a defined background-image CSS property (empty by default) that uses CSS variables, making it easier to add gradients to all buttons.
- Updated - Sticky Top Bar, Header and Header menu scripts have been updated to be a little bit more efficient on the window.resize event and they now run immediately instead of on the window.load event.
- Updated - The theme now adds CSS variables to the body tag that hold the height of the sticky topbar, main nav and header. These are then used in the CSS for the wpex-sticky utility class to allow for automatic offsets.
- Updated - You can now use the "--wpex-local-scroll-padding" CSS property on any element to offset the local scroll end point.
- Updated - The wpex-sticky class will now have a default top position equal to the new --wpex-sticky-offset CSS variable. This variable's default value is: calc(var(--wpex-sticky-elements-height, 0px) + var(--wpex-sticky-offset-padding, 25px))
- Updated - The Superfish JS script for header menu dropdowns will now only be registered if that specific dropdown type has been selected. It will also be loaded in the header using the defer attribute.
- Updated - The Toggle Bar script is now added in the header tag with t he defer attribtue.
- Updated - The toggle bar function that checks if it's enabled and the function that grabs the content to save a static variable of the result so the code only needs to run once.
- Fixed - Color palette utility classes were being added 2x to the head.
- Removed - Clearfix "wpex-clr" class on the #site-logo-inner element as it's not needed.
- Removed - 100% height added to the .site-logo-text element (was a fix for old browser versions).
New Hooks