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Snippet: Display Past Events (Events Calendar Plugin)

It seems that the Events Calendar now displays all events including Past events by default.

You can use the "vcex_query_args" filter to tweak the query arguments for any Total theme element that displays posts. The example below shows you how you can filter out the query for a custom Events Calendar Display. Note, the "vcex_grid_query" filter applies to ALL grids to target a specific module you can add a custom ID or classname to the module and then check for it in the $attrs variable which returns an array of all the shortcode attributes/parameters.

add_filter( 'vcex_query_args', function( $args, $attrs ) {

	// Alter arguments for Tribe events
	// @see documentation here:
	$args['eventDisplay'] = 'custom';

	// Return query arguments
	return $args;

}, 40, 2 );
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