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Snippet: Disable the WPBakery Page Builder for Specific Post Types

WPBakery has some built-in role options so you can set the post types available for WPBakery on a per-user role. This is ok, but it really doesn't make much sense. For the most part if you are going to disable WPBakery for a post type it will be done for all roles.

Additionally, if you are a super-admin WPBakery appears to be enabled for every post type regardless of your user role settings - which we believe is a bug and have reported it before, but I don't think the plugin developers see it as a bug.

The following snippet can be used to disable WPBakery completely for specific post types.

 * Disable WPBakery for specific post types.
add_filter( 'vc_check_post_type_validation', function( $check, $post_type ) {
	$now_allowed = [

	if ( in_array( $post_type, $not_allowed, true ) ) {
		$check = false;

	return $check;
} );
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