Snippet: Disable Direction Aware Alignments
By default when selecting a text alignment in various theme elements the alignment uses direction aware CSS operators. With the default direction being LRT. This means if you set your text alignment to the right it will display on the right for LTR languages and on the left for RTL languages. If you wish to use the same text alignment regardless of the direction you can use the following snippet.
Note: This snippet is primarily for customers updating from Total theme versions less than 6.0 where some elements were not using direction aware alignments by default.
// Disable bidirectional swaps for theme elements (aka text align left on LTR remains text align left on RTL).
add_filter( 'totalthemecore/vcex/is_bidirectional', '__return_false' );
// Disable bidirectional swaps for theme icons that end with -right or -left.
add_filter( 'totaltheme/icons/is_bidirectional', '__return_false' );