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wpex_social_button_stylesarrayReturns an array of social button styles to choose from. Used in the Customizer and in shortcode settings.
wpex_column_gapsarrayReturns an array of allowed grid gaps used in various Customizer and builder element settings.
wpex_grid_columnsarrayReturns an array of allowed grid columns used in various Customizer and builder element settings.
wpex_get_post_layoutsarrayReturns array of post layout options (right-sidebar, left-sidebar, full-width, full-screen) used for the Customizer and Theme Settings meta options.
wpex_carousel_arrow_stylesarrayReturns array of carousel arrow styles.
wpex_carousel_arrow_positionsarrayReturns array of carousel arrow positions.
wpex_get_form_stylesarrayReturns array of theme form styles which is used in the Form Shortcode element.
wpex_get_header_menu_dropdown_stylesarrayReturns array of header menu dropdown style choices.
wpex_get_theme_heading_stylesarrayReturns array of theme heading styles.
wpex_header_stylesarrayReturns array of header style choices.
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