Name | Return | Usage |
totaltheme/pagination/load_more/button_text | string | Filters the default load more button text. |
totaltheme/blog/single_blocks/choices | array | Returns an array of blocks that can be selected in the Customizer for the default blog single layout. |
totaltheme/blog/single_blocks | array | Returns an array of "blocks" for the blog post layout when not using a dynamic template. |
totaltheme/blog/entry_blocks | array | Returns an array of blocks for the default blog entry layout. |
wpex_post_author_bio_data | array | Use to alter the default author bio avatar, description, name, etc. |
wpex_blog_single_media_position | string | Returns correct position for your blog post media. |
wpex_post_series_query_args | bool | Used to alter the post series query arguments. |
wpex_related_blog_posts_columns | integer | Filters the default columns (3) for the related blog posts. |
wpex_post_readmore_link_text | string | Filters the text for the blog entry read more button. |
wpex_blog_style | string | Filters the blog entry style default is "large-image-entry-style". |