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Total Theme v 5.4.5

Release Date: August 14, 2022
  • The theme used to target the "current-menu-parent" class for active items in the main menu. However, this would cause issues if your menu was showing categories because the items would become active whenever viewing a post inside the category because of how WP works. The theme has been adjusted to instead target the "current-menu-ancestor". This way if you are visiting a page from a menu dropdown the main dropdown link will be active.
  • The Search Bar element has been optimized to use flex styles and utility classes. The element now uses a gap for the spacing between the input and the button. If you've used this element before with custom widths you may need to revise it.
  • Added New Agency Demo “Biz“.
  • Added New Agency Demo “Victor“.
  • Added New Blog/Magazine Demo “Poppy“.
  • Added New Blog/Magazine Demo “Webmag“.
  • Added New “Bundled Plugins” tab in the Theme Panel that allows you to select which plugins you want to use this way you stop receive notices regarding plugin updates or plugin installations for certain plugins you choose not to use.
  • Added You can now enable “Infinite Scroll” pagination for the Post Cards & Image Grid elements (screenshot).
  • Added Sequential CSS animation support added (new option added to the Post Cards element – for use anywhere else simply add the classname “wpb-animate-in-sequence” to an element such as a row to sequentially animate animated items within the element).
  • Added You can now enable Videos for the Post Cards element.
  • Added You can now enable “Accordion” style tabs for WooCommerce products.
  • Added Stacking Breakpoint option added to the Advertisement widget.
  • Added You can now set your links underline offset and thickness via the Customizer.
  • Added You can now disable the page header title for the search results page via the Customizer.
  • Added You can now select to display your mobile menu icon label on the left or right of the hamburger icon via the Customizer.
  • Added You can now remove parent pages from the theme breadcrumbs via a new Customizer setting.
  • Added You can now align your toggle bar content via a new Customizer setting (left/center/right).
  • Added Many more options added to the Breadcrumbs element for greater flexibility.
  • Added Customizer options added to change the default load more button loader icon size, color and select from various different loader icons.
  • Added New options added to the Post Terms element to control the link underline color, offset and thickness when displaying standard links (not styled buttons).
  • Added New admin column added to the Theme Panel > Color Palette page so you can quickly view the color hex value.
  • Added New dynamic values for use with Advanced Queries for the current date as well as operators for use when making meta_query comparisons (see docs).
  • Added You can now select a custom font family for the Icon Box and Feature Box content (previously you could only adjust the heading).
  • Added You can now enter your preferred dimensions for your numbered pagination items via the Customizer which will apply a min-height and min-width to each item. This can be used to create perfect circles.
  • Added Support added for the relevanssi plugin when using a custom search results template and the post cards element.
  • Added You can now select your featured Post for the Post Cards “Featured Card” functionality. This way rather then displaying the first post you can feature a specific post and update it manually.
  • Added You can now disable the submit button for the “Search Bar” element.
  • Added You can now select a custom Stack Breakpoint for the “Search Bar” element.
  • Added You can now enable a “clear” button (x) for the “Search Bar” element.
  • Added You can now select a shadow for the Icon Box element image.
  • Added Built-in support for Relevanssi term highlighting via the theme’s custom excerpt/title functions.
  • Added Link to the Font Manager added to the Customizer font family typography field description.
  • Added The Grid/Flex containers were missing the Unique ID field.
  • Added New Card Styles: Blog 19, Blog 20, Blog 21, Blog List 19, Blog List 20, Blog List 21
  • Updated Total Theme Core & Slider Revolution Plugins have been updated.
  • Updated Various Customizer fields now allow you to click on the “PX” to change the unit (sample video)
  • Updated Various Customizer fields now allow you to enter “0” instead of having to use “0px”.
  • Updated Customizer “padding” fields to display inputs for each direction (screenshot) – this will also allow you now to only adjust a specific side if you wanted without affecting the other sides.
  • Updated Custom width fields when editing theme elements via WPBakery now allow the use of calc and clamp CSS functions.
  • Updated When using CSS animations on elements that also have a load more button, the items will now animated only when scrolled to (previously all loaded items would be animated on load).
  • Updated Optimized the way the “Auto Query” function works with dynamic templates to prevent extra database hits when using standard numbered pagination or pagination is disabled.
  • Updated You can now select the “Archive Title” as a source for the Heading element which returns the value from the WP core the_archive_title function (useful for archive templates).
  • Updated The Search Bar element has been updated to use flex styles so it can use utility classes instead of it’s own CSS and allow for greater customization.
  • Updated The default Footer Bottom copyright text has been updated to use the new Docs shortcode and
  • Updated Split up some of the WooCommerce Single Product Customizer settings into their own tabs to make them easier to find.
  • Updated Improved Responsiveness of the “slim” absolute positioned carousel style arrows.
  • Updated Huge optimization for theme carousel rendering on page load. We use advanced CSS to display carousels as a grid prior to the javascript execution (if you are using child theme functions to modify the carousel responsive parameters you may need to disable this optimization via the new “vcex_optimize_carousels_onload” filter).
  • Updated Carousel script so if there aren’t enough items and “Loop” is enabled the carousel won’t clone items to make the loop work instead it will just hide the next/previous arrows and bullets.
  • Updated Optimized the infinite scroll pagination for archives (when not using dynamic templates) so it uses the same script as the load more button which prevents the need for extra scripts as well as it speeds up the loading of new posts.
  • Fixed When using the Post Cards element with the Featured Card enabled the last post was not loading when using the load more button or when using standard pagination with the featured card disabled for paginated pages.
  • Fixed The custom background wasn’t working with the Teaser box element when set to the Boxed Square style.
  • Fixed The “Transparent Header Offset” setting wasn’t working correctly when used along with a Full-Height row.
  • Fixed The WPBakery show animations wouldn’t work correctly when the DOM was changing due to dynamic elements such as load more buttons, grid filters and toggles.
  • Fixed When adding a custom color to the Breadcrumbs element it wasn’t working as expected due to the default opacity added to the separator and ending trail text.
  • Fixed The scroll to top button border radius setting wasn’t working.
  • Fixed The Shrink sticky header logo start height field wasn’t displaying in the Customizer when using header style one.
  • Fixed When adding a shadow, fixed background or featured image background to a WPBakery column it was being added to the inner row columns as well.
  • Fixed When using dynamic strings for Advanced Queries inside multi-dimensional arrays, the strings were not being converted to their dynamic value.
  • Fixed The Events Calendar before/after content was being added twice to the site due to an update to how the Events Calendar default template works.
  • Fixed The List Divider was not showing when using the Post Cards element and loading new items via the load more button.
  • Fixed The deprecated WPBakery tabs, tours and accordions were not showing up with the recent javascript optimizations.


  • Added - A few margin top hover utility classes "wpex-hover-mt-5, wpex-hover-mt-10, wpex-hover-mt-15, wpex-hover-mt-20"
  • Added - "wpex_post_cards_featured_post_id" filter.
  • Added - "wpex_has_footer_callout" filter for consistency.
  • Added - "wpex_footer_callout_content" filter for consistency.
  • Added - "wpex_topbar_content" filter for consistency.
  • Added - "wpex_topbar_content_class" filter for consistency.
  • Added - "vcex_query_args" filter for consistency.
  • Added - "wpex_has_topbar_social" filter.
  • Added - "wpex_vc_waypoints_settings" filter.
  • Added - "vcex_optimize_carousels_onload" filter.
  • Added - New utility classes: wpex-focus-not-visible-outline-0, wpex-text-inherit, wpex-hover-text-inherit, wpex-text-current, wpex-hover-text-current, wpex-focus-text-current, wpex-h-1px, wpex-h-2px
  • Added - New post_video and allowed_media WPEX_Card arguments - learn more
  • Updated - The "wpex-social-btn" class now uses flex styles to fix potential issues with custom fonts having weird line heights and prevent the need for adding line-height to the element.
  • Updated - Advertisement Widget now uses a modern CSS grid for the layout.
  • Updated - Scroll to top button now uses flex styles so we don't need to use line-height to vertically align the button icon and allow more flexibility
  • Updated - The scroll to top button now uses min-height and min-width instead of width/height so if you filter out the icon for text the button can expand accordingly.
  • Updated - The WPEX_Meta_Factory class now supports a "wp_editor" field type.
  • Updated - When adding new categories/terms with an image the image is now removed from the placeholder.
  • Updated - Removed the default margin on the "mobile-menu-toggle__label" and "wpex-header-search-icon__label" classes and updated the parent elements to instead use a gap, this way you can move the label position (left/right) without having to worry about adjusting the margin.
  • Updated - Optimized the function that checks for the current post dynamic template so that it stores the template ID so if the function is called multiple times it doesn't have to make additional database checks.
  • Updated - Optimized how WPBakery inline CSS is added to the page when using a transparent header overlay template, header aside template, callout template or dynamic post template to prevent extra checks and insert the tag inline before the template output instead of the .
  • Updated - The Post terms element now targets the link color CSS variables when adding a custom color instead of using the "wpex-child-inherit-color" classname.
  • Updated - The social profiles widget now adds an inline tag that targets all icons inside the widget instead of adding inline CSS to each icon.
  • Updated - Pagination CSS has been updated to use flex styles for greater flexibility and added --wpex-pagination-link-min-height and --wpex-pagination-link-min-width CSS variables (no default value) so you can easily apply min-height and min-width to pagination links if you want perfect circles/squares.
  • Updated - The multi-select and sorter customizer controls inline javascript has been moved to the external wpex-controls.js file and optimized.
  • Updated - The Search Bar element HTML has been updated to include a new "vcex-searchbar-input-wrap" element which will be used for the targeted input width rather then targeting the input field itself. This allows for the use of flex styles.
  • Updated - The WPEX_Card get_terms_list method now accepts a "term_prefix" parameter so you can add text before each term (could be used to add icons before each term).
  • Updated - The WPEX_Card get_element method now allows you to pass an "svg" parameter which will insert your svg code before the element content.
  • Updated - The WPEX_Card get_element method now allows you to pass a "screen_reader_text" parameter which will add content inside a span with the classname "screen-reader-text" after your content.
  • Updated - The theme now uses it's own javascript for the WPBakery CSS animations to allow for the new sequential animations functionality, so the plugin's "js_composer_front.min.js" file will no longer be loaded when CSS animations are used instead it will load the slimmer "wpex-vc_waypoints.min.js" file.
  • Updated - The TotalTheme\Integration\WPBakery\Optimize_JS::maybe_dequeue_script function is now hooked into wp_footer at priority 11 instead of 10.
  • Updated - All theme element template files (total-theme-core/inc/vcex/templates) have been updated to remove the use of get_class() and $this so that the files (if needed) can be included directly.
  • Updated - Author bio social links element now uses flex styles.
  • Updated - The "wpex_get_svg" function now uses locate_template and file_get_contents to get the SVG from inside the theme.
  • Updated - The theme now uses the load more script for the infinite scroll on archives which slims down the code on the site and reduces the number of scripts and CSS.
  • Fixed - The Image Grid element was incorrectly using the "vcex-image-grid-entry-img" classname on both the div and link so the class used on the link has been renamed to "vcex-image-grid-entry-link"
  • Removed - The "wpex_infinite_scroll" function has been deprecated completely.
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