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Total Theme v 5.14

Release Date: May 7, 2024
  • Added “Hide If Empty” setting to the WPBakery Row element.
  • Added “Row Stretch Side Margin” setting for WPBakery rows which can be used to add white space on the left/right of a stretched row (it’s not possible to add this setting to the WPBakery Section element).
  • Added “Autoplay Type” option for carousels where you can choose from Default or Smooth. The later being ideal for logo type carousels where you want to display infinite scrolling images.
  • Added “Pause on Hover” on/off switch added for carousels when auto play is enabled.
  • Added “Edit Template” link to the WP Admin Bar whenever you are editing a post that has a dynamic template assigned to it.
  • Added “WooCommerce Notices” element that can be used with your dynamic templates to display notices like Added to Cart, Errors, etc.
  • Added Customizer on/off switch for the WooCommerce “Scroll to Notices” on the cart and checkout pages (disabled by default because it’s very annoying).
  • Added The Just Events Date and Just Events Time elements are now available in Elementor.
  • Updated Slider Revolution to version 6.7.10
  • Updated Total Theme Core to version 1.8.4
  • Updated When using the Post Cards auto query type it will now use the global $wp_query which prevents extra database hits and works properly with the pre_get_posts hook.
  • Updated You can now insert multiple navigation bar elements to use for a filter and when clicking the “All” button it will only reset the current filter. For example if you wanted to add a filter for tags and a separate filter for categories.
  • Updated When using the Navigation Bar element as a filter the href values added to each link will now use the term slug instead of the “cat-{ID}” format if possible.
  • Updated You can now use the Milestone element when creating custom cards.
  • Updated You can now select “Current Staff Member” as the “Source” for the Social Links element.
  • Updated The Testimonials Slider element is now available when using WPBakery Slim Mode.
  • Updated When adding an email as the URL for any item in the Social Links element the theme will automatically add the mailto: prefix if it wasn’t added.
  • Updated When adding an email as the text or when adding mailto: links in various theme elements and settings, the theme will now obfuscate the emails to help prevent SPAM.
  • Updated The theme will no longer apply the Custom Login settings to the “interim” login popup (the login popup when WP logs you out while in the admin).
  • Updated The theme will now automatically convert Youtube playlist URL’s into embed URL’s for use with the Video element and video lightbox.
  • Updated When creating a dynamic template for your WooCommerce products the theme will now add the classnames from the ”
    wc_get_product_class” function to the theme’s “custom-singular-template” element which includes the “product” class. This is to allow for easier CSS customization and to provide compatibility with certain plugins that specifically target these classnames.
  • Fixed Customizer issues when using LearnDash.
  • Fixed YouTube short URL’s not working with Lightbox when added in various elements.
  • Fixed Issue with the Navigation Bar element not displaying the active filter item on page load for the mobile select.
  • Fixed Accessibility warning for the WPBakery tabs element regarding the tab role.
  • Fixed WPBakery tab content missing the aria-labelledby for accessibility.
  • Fixed Milestone element was not counting up when loaded via AJAX in a custom card.


  • Updated - The Navigation Bar element no longer adds a data-filter attribute to set the default filterbased on the URL. Instead the javascript will search for the first "active" link and use that as the selected filter element. This allows for filtering by slug when using a custom menu (this was previously only available when displaying a taxonomy based menu).
  • Fixed - When hooking into "totaltheme/integration/wpbakery/patterns/list" to register custom patterns you couldn't define a custom screenshot for your pattern.
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