The Total theme has a built-in image resizing function that crops images only as needed instead of the core WordPress post thumbnail function which crops images to every defined size whenever you upload a new image. For this reason Total has it’s own helper functions for returning images in the theme which you can make use of in your child theme if needed/wanted.
Here is an example:
$thumbnail = wpex_get_post_thumbnail( [
'post' => null, // (int) Fetch thumbnail from a post.
'attachment' => '', // (int) Fetch thumbnail from a specific attachment ID.
'size' => '', // (string) Pre-defined thumbnail size name (thumbnail, medium, full).
'width' => '', // (int) Custom width.
'height' => '', // (int) Custom height.
'crop' => '', // (int/string) Crop location.
'return' => 'html', // (string) Function return html, url, src.
'style' => '', // (string) Custom inline style attributes (padding:10px;).
'alt' => '', // (string) Custom alt.
'class' => '', // (string) Custom classnames.
'before' => '', // (html/string) Content to add before the thumbnail.
'after' => '', // (html/string) Content to add after the thumbnail.
'attributes' => array(), // (array) Custom html attributes.
'add_image_dims' => true, // (bool) Add width/height attributes?
'schema_markup' => false, // (bool) Add schema markup?
] );
More helper functions:
Below is a table showing other helper functions available in the theme.
Function Name | Parameters | Description |
wpex_get_post_thumbnail_src | Array $args | Same as the above function but returns the src without having to set the return parameter. |
wpex_get_thumbnail_sizes | - | Returns an array of all registered image sizes |
wpex_featured_image_caption | Int $post_id | Returns the caption for the current post featured image. |
wpex_get_attachment_data | Int $attachment_id string $return | Returns data (url, src, alt, title, caption, description or video) for the given attachment id. If no $return value is provided it will return an array of all data. |
wpex_get_lightbox_image | Int $attachment_id | Returns the lightbox url for the given attachment id. |
wpex_placeholder_img_src | - | Returns the theme's placeholder image. |